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Hello there!

I’m Patryk Kościk, a self-taught bug-creator with a deep passion for both software and hardware development. My interests lie particularly in working with Linux and Zephyr operating systems, as well as exploring the RISC-V and ARM architectures.

In my free time, I explore networking, delve into CI/CD systems, and engage in process automation.


Software Engineer Intern @ Antmicro

Part of the following projects:



Computer Science (Master’s - in progress) @ PUT

Specialization: Edge Computing @ Custom Computing & Embedded Systems

Master’s Thesis: Analysis of Trace-Based Evaluation of Cache Usage on the Example of the Renode Framework

Automatic Control and Robotics (Engineer) @ PUT

Engineering Thesis: Performance analysis of the translation-based and interpreter-based approach to simulation on the example of Renode framework

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